Monday, December 17, 2007

FINALLLLLY!!!/Dont let the rudeness fool you.

Yeahhhhhhh What it is errybody!
I wanted to make a blog a while now but never made the time
(lots of procrastinating & rassing) but i did it.
In this blog i'll write about whatever i feel like LMAO as well as
adventures big & SMALL, my thoughts feelings and LOTS of RASSING!!!!
Here i go,

This post right here, this post right here lol is about Society.
Or more accurately the way Society sometimes makes people feel
like they have to meet it's standards and have a detailed life plan by 10.
Talking from my experience after culinary school i wasn't sure if i was
I wasn't sure what my major would be and hazy/overwhelmed with the whole process,
plus i figured i'd waste time and money going to school uncertain.
People would ask "So are you in school?"
I'd reply "No, im not sure about going?" while feeling like the worlds biggest disappointment.
Then they'd reply with "Well you should go to school.".
I knew they meant well but i usually felt like crap and none of this
came from Mom, she was one of the few people who understood that i needed time.
She never made me feel bad about it either SHE ROCKS! ! !
After a while i decided that im not going to school rite now and im gonna
follow my dreams, be happy about them and don't let people's influence change them.
Now when people ask if im going to school i say NO, they ask why, i explain, and i feel great.
Sometimes they SQUIRM when i tell them, it makes me SMILE :))))))))))

If you look over to the right collum you can see a pic that says "FUCK SOCIETY".
Under the words are my finger tattoo's that read "L <3 V E L :) F E"
Basically saying "Fuck Society Love Life", im not saying go out there and
start bitting people just to forget about people's assumptions & misconceptions about you and enjoy today and LOVE YOURSELF!!!
Life is not easy and goes fast so you might as well spend most of your time having fun and smiling.

U U U U U U U U U U KNOW WHAT I MEAN! ! ! ! ! ! !


kit von b. said...

yes!!! eff those self-important beeyatches (society)!!! "have fun or *puts arm out and disects air* commit suicide"...i love ur blog. its very colorful n cute n great n hot n sexy!! p.s. THE BLONDE IN ME NOWWWWWW UNDERSTANDS WHERE "COOLEST CHICA WHAT" COMES FROM. sheesh.
-karrie b.

ChanLa said...

You're totally awesome!!! Keep 'em coming!!!!

Unknown said...

you are
so caribbean.